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Join Nottingham Clarion Cycling Club

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You can now join Nottingham Clarion online!
This will take you to a Google Form. Please fill this out and follow the payment instructions

If you would like to join Nottingham Clarion & National Clarion, please click the National Clarion button below.

Become a member of Nottingham Clarion Cycling Club. You won't regret it. 

To join Nottingham Clarion (or renew your membership) simply fill out the online\ membership form. Alternatively, you can download a form and email it to the address on the form (or even post it).

You have the option of just joining Nottingham Clarion, or also joining the National Clarion, with whom we are affiliated. See below for more info.

Please pay through online bank transfer (details on the form), or make your cheques payable to Nottingham Clarion CC.

Membership Fees:

Go-Ride! (Under 16) £5:00
Junior (16 to 18) £7:50
Senior £15:00
Family £35:00
Social £5:00
National Clarion Senior Membership* £12:00
National Clarion Under 18 Membership* £6:00

Before joining, please visit our Data Protection page and make sure that you are happy to consent to how the Club holds and processes your data.

Under 18s will require the written consent of a parent or guardian when joining.

(Please note if you are joining after September 1st your membership will run to the end of the next year).

If you prefer to download and post a membership form you can do so:

* = National Clarion

When you join Nottingham Clarion you have the option to join the National Clarion too. Includes 3rd party insurance. If you are already a Nottingham member and want to add National membership you can do so online.

Find out more about National Clarion